TMJ – Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction

Benefits of chiropractic for TMJ

Help correct the tracking and alignment issues safely
Natural way to help the body and jaw function at its best
Decreases overall effects of stress on the nervous system


It is estimated that 3 million Italians suffer from TMJ Dysfunction. We use this joint more frequently than most other joints in our bodies. Every time we chew, bite down or swallow we put the TMJ is at work.

There is a close link between the alignment of the cervical spine and the health and alignment of the TMJ joint.

What are the signs of TMJ?

Tenderness in the jaw muscles
Frequent headaches
Dull, aching pain in the face, sinuses, ears, eyes, teeth, neck muscles and shoulders
Clicking, popping or grinding in the jaw joints
“Locking” episodes or an inability to open or close mouth freely
Difficulty chewing and swallowing

A Chiropractor can help with TMJ problems

1. Complete Chiropractic Exam

Including a complete orthopedic and neurological exam of your cervical spine and TMJ.

2. Specific Chiropratic adjustments

These precised spinal adjustments are designed to eliminate pressure on your pinched nerves and realign the TMJ.

3. Correct alignment of the cervical vertebrae

By restoring the correct alignment of the spine and spinal curvature this will relax the ligaments and muscles of the spine and TMJ which decreasing TMJ pain and tracking issues.

4. Postural and ergonomic advice

Proper advice on how to sitting and moving is essential for a healthier spine.

Studies show: Chiropractic adjustments help improve migraines and headaches.

Reference from JMPT.
2003 (Sep); 26 (7): 421-425

“indicate that the TMD symptoms of participants in this study improved following a course of treatment”